
Baby and Toddler Farewell Spiel

Page history last edited by Meredith Ann Pierce 15 years, 11 months ago

Basic Formula

The purpose of the farewell spiel is to sitnal your audience that storytime is about to end, to thank them for coming and express hope that they will return to visit the Library again soon.  the farewell spiel leads into the closing song.



Sample Spiel

. . . And that's how all the animals found their mothers.  I'm so glad you were able to come to storytime at the Library today!  I hope you'll becoming back to visit us again soon.  Let's sing our good-bye song.  It's called "I Can Wave," and it goes like this.




Don't belabor the close of storytime, which can make some little ones so sad they'll start crying if you give them time to think about it.  Remain upbeat!  Storytime is fun.  Remember, it's all good.

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