ACLDstorytime Introduction

Welcome to the ACLD Storytime Wiki.
You are currently viewing the wiki's FrontPage or homepage. has been created for use by the Youth Services Planning Group of the Alachua County Library District. Though it is brand-new at the moment, in time we expect it to grow into a valuable programming resource.
YSPG members have all be invited to join and contribute content. For more information, click on this ACLD Storytime Wiki Information link. Now the real collaborative wiki-building can begin!

Right now. . . .
. . . the wiki's originator is concentrating on creating some quick-and-easy instructions on how to throw together impromptu storytimes on a moment's notice.
To see what that's all about, please click on the link to the Emergency Storytime Introduction page.
For a presentation on storytime techniques--how to present readalouds, fingerplays, flannelboards, song cards, booktalks, storytelling and more--click on the link entitled Let the Story Speak: On Sharing Stories with Young People.
Happy programming!

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Comments (4)
Joanne said
at 10:18 am on Feb 27, 2009
Thanks Meredith, I hope to use this wiki abd share it with our other programmers.
Sandra Vincent said
at 1:11 pm on Feb 27, 2009
I think this will be very helpful. Many of us could get pushed into doing a program at the spur of the moment and this may help us from having a panic attack.
Lucinda Watkins said
at 1:33 pm on Feb 27, 2009
Been planning to make an emergency storytime kit -- and planning and planning. This wiki, ACLD catalog, and other resources are going to be the sources of a great Storytime Kit project for our library intern.
Linda Stefanelli said
at 10:52 am on Mar 1, 2009
Wow! Great job with this wiki. It looks like it will be very useful. I can see that a great deal of work went into it, Meredith. Thank you for creating such a great way to share information among programmers.
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