Manual: Anything Else

Anything Else I Should Know?



If You Just Want To


If you’re a super-techie and really get into this and just want to immerse yourself in all things PBwiki purely for fun, there’s one more link you can check out.



PBwiki Support Center


It’s called Questions? Click here to get help and is located in the bottom lefthand corner of ACLDstorytime Introduction, which is this wiki’s FrontPage (homepage).


Click it to go to the PBwiki Support Center page, which contains a 4-minute YouTube video called Wikis in Plain English, about what wikis are.


There are also links to the PBwiki Blog, the PBwiki User Manual, and PBwiki Webinars, among other cool things.



You Don't Have To


Just remember, none of this background information is necessary to getting started.  It’s entirely possible to just go to the ACLD Storytime Wiki, log in, and start creating content.