
Manual: Is There One

Page history last edited by Meredith Ann Pierce 15 years, 10 months ago

Is There a Manual, Just in Case?




I Hate to Ask, But. . . .


Yes.  For those who like manuals, there’s quite a succinct and informative PBwiki users’ manual.


If you’d like to peruse it, click on the Help link in the upper righthand quadrant of the window.  When a new screen appears, click on the blue Read the Manual button in the same general area of the screen.


The pbwikimanual FrontPage will appear.  Choose Wiki Basics.  When a new window opens, take a glace at the two most useful sections: A First Look and Editing.



What to Look At


To begin with, take a glance at A First Look to see what the different areas of each wiki page are called and what they do.


Then click the Back button until you return to the pbwikimanual FrontPage.  This time, choose Editing.  Editing contains the following useful sections: Editing Basics, Files and Images, Tables, Links, and Plugins.


Editing Basics will get you started entering text.  Files and Images walks you through uploading images to the wiki.  Tables can be useful for setting up columns and containers for images and text.  Links shows you how to turn your text or images into hyperlinks, either to another page within the wiki or to another website.


Finally, Plugins discusses how to add features like videoclips or slideshows to the wiki.  Clicking on the YouTube Video link, will give you an opportunity to view a 3.5 minute video on how PBwikis work.  There’s also a link called Bubbleshare Slideshow, which contains instructions along with an example.

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