"Five Little Ducks Swam Out One Day"
A super-fun counting song for the Preschool / Kindergarten age group. The kids love counting backwards as well as impersonating quacky Mama Duck.
Five little ducks swam out one day,
Over the pond and far away.
Mama Duck went, "Quack, quack quack!"
And four little ducks came swimming back.
(hold up five fingers)
(hide hand behind back)
(other hand = duck's beak)
(hold up four fingers)
Four little ducks . . . three little ducks came swimming back.
Three little ducks . . . two little ducks came swimming back.
Two little ducks . . . one little duck came swimming back.
One little duck . . . no little ducks came swimming back.
No little ducks swam out one day,
Over the pond and far away.
Mama Duck went, "Quack, quack, quack."
"Quack, quack, quack!"
And five little ducks came swimming back.
(sadly hold up fist)
(hide fist behind back)
(quack other hand tentatively)
(pause and look around)
(quack more forcefully)
(look around some more)
(quack with great energy)
(milk the suspense!)
(hold up five fingers--whew!)
Variations using other animals besides ducks are many. The one below is about mice.
"Five Little Mice Went Out to Play"
Five little mice went out to play,
Gathering crumbs along the way.
Here comes the pussycat sleek and fat.
Four little mice go scurrying back.
Four little mice. . . . / Three . . . go scurrying back.
Three little mice. . . . / Two . . . go scurrying back.
Two little mice. . . . / One . . . go scurrying back.
One little mouse. . . . / No little mice go scurrying back.
[SPOKEN: Hey little mice, the cat's gone.
You can come out now.
Come on.
Here they come!
One, two, three, four, five.
(hold up five fingers)
(mime gathering crumbs)
(other hand mimes cat walking)
(four fingers scamper off)
(four fingers . . . three fingers)
(three fingers . . . two fingers)
(two fingers . . . one finger)
(one finger . . . fist)
(cup hand to mouth)
(cup hand again)
(fist bounces excitedly)
(hold up 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 fingers)
(clap for joy)
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