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Song: Five Little Ducks That I Once Knew

Page history last edited by Meredith Ann Pierce 15 years, 10 months ago

"Five Little Ducks That I Once Knew"


Ducks are a no-brainer for Preschool / Kindergarten activity songs.  Their waddling charm and gutteral quacks prove endlessly engaging to this age-group.  When in doubt, do ducks!




Five little ducks that I once knew:

Plump ones, skinny ones, tall ones, too--

     But the one little duck with the feather on his back,

     He led the others with a, "Quack, quack, quack!" 

Down to the river they would go:

Wibble-wobble, wibble-wobble, to and fro--

     But the one little duck with the feather on his back,

     He led the others with a, "Quack, quack, quack!"

Home from the river they would come:

Wibble-wobble, wibble-wobble, ho hum hum--

     But the one little duck with the feather on his back,

     He led the others with a, "Quack, quack, quack!"

(hold up five fingers)

(mime plump, skinny, and tall)

(hold up one finger)

(quack hand like a duck's beak)

(five fingers traveling along)

(hand wagging back and forth)

(one finger)

(quack hand)

(five fingers returning)

(hand wagging)

(one finger)

(quack hand)







"Five Little Dinos I Once Knew"


Here's a fun variation that uses only the first verse (repeated several times).  Ask for the name of a favorite dinosaur (or monster or beast).  Sing the song.


At the third line, ask one child his or her name.  Plug in that child's name and create a cry for the dino with rhyming nonsense words.




Five little dinos I once knew:

Plump ones, skinny ones, tall ones, too--

     But the one little dino whose name was Jack,

     He led the others with a "Grick, grock, grack!"

Five little stegosauruses . . . Abigail . . . "Frill, froll, frale!"

Five little apatosauruses . . . Juan . . . "Bin, ban, bon!"

Five little triceratopses . . . Lakeesha . . . "Isha, osha, eesha!"

Five little T-rexes . . . Wally . . . "Thilly, thally, tholly!"

(hold up five fingers)

(mime plump, skinny, tall)

(hold up one finger)

("quack" hand)






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